I Love You, George!
Nov 22, 2002
We had planned a family vacation this passed summer,and George was so against going from the start. You see, he was going to use the summer to read up on certain tests he needed to take in order to get into a specialized high school. He was an honor student in his middle school and was going to enter the 8th grade this fall.My husband and I talked him into going and soon he was into the spirit. A couple of days before we left, he was feeling a little sick, so we went to the doctor and he said nothing much was going on and if he felt worse to call. A day later he was vomitting all day and not eating. I thought it was some "Junk food" he had eaten-teenagers do that all the time. He never complained of sore throat or anything, so i called the doctor and again was told to give small sips of flat coke-for the vomitting. On day of trip-he looked better, but my neice-who had started a summer job at a doctors office wanted to see us before we left-she is only 16 years old-we went to visit her before our flight. The doctor she was working for looked at him and said he looked like he had a fever and gave him tylonal. She said it was ok to fly as long as he took antibiotics and continued them for 1 week.
We went on flight-he just got worse in 10 hours. Once there we went to hospital, but his fever was so high-it brought on high blood sugur and then diabetic coma and death within 24 hours!
we never got to be with him in that foreign ICU in hospital. We never got to hold his hand and say "we Love you" he was all alone in a foreign place all alone he pased away and I felt so helpless as a mom not being able to protect my son. My daughter who is 12 was with us. A doctor there came up to her and told her she better get checked or else she would die too-what a mean thing to say to a 12 year old! She was in shock and still is-always asking if she's also going to die! I had so many tests done on her already and she is fine. No autopsy was ever done on our son-because one doctor was not available to do it. Another doctor told me our son was overmedicated because they "thought" he was over 17 years old-he looked bigger than his age. He was strong and big and looked like a football player. He had all the tests done here in USA and when we came back I had to go and check to make sure they were all right because in Europe they made me so crazy and made me feel as if it were all my fault. They said he had diabeties, which I was assured here he did not have-his Pediatrician says the high fever brought that on. We have no answers only maybe this or that....All we know he is in Heaven and is loved and remembered by his whole family, his school, teachers and friends.The Holidays now coming up are so hard for our family-I'm so sad all the time. I can't find any support groups for teenage loss. I have so many pictures and videos since he was the first child after I had 3 miscarriages before him. The last one I was 23 weeks pregant and delivered a baby boy which did not make it. I've been through so much and now this happens to us and I feel so sad-Thank God for the support of the great teachers in the middle scholl he attended and the elementary school he had attended-they help so much and remind me all the time what a GREAT child I had. He must be looking down from heaven and smiling that I'm at least trying to get some grief out-He loved it when I was happy and now I'm always sad.
I Love you George-never got to see you in your last hours, will see you in heaven one day baby, wait for us all-your sister and dad love you and think of you always.