My Sweet Luis
Dec 08, 2002
My sweet little baby boy was born on August 22,2002 weighing 6 lbs. 1 oz. and 19 1/2 inches long. He was so happy in his short time with us. He was named Luis after his father. The day he was born was a real surprise to me and his dad as he was supposed to be a girl according to the ultrasound. When something like this happens you just continue to ask the question of "Why did they have to take my baby?" He was perfectly healthy. He had filled our lives with so much joy and happiness. Every morning he would smile and laugh when we talked to him. When he would take a bath he would kick his feet so fast and splash his little hands so hard in the water. Then suddenly on that horrible Friday morning of December 6,2002 he was awake with me at 5:30 in the morning, He ate, burped, and was changed,and we were playingfor like 10 or 15 minutes or so then I layed him on my chest and patted him on his back a little bit and off to sleep he went, I never imagined that would be the last time I would ever see my precious baby alive and with me. At 8:12 I was woken by my husband telling me my baby was not breathing he had died I immediately grabbed him and the mattress to the bassinette and layed him on the floor and immediately called 911 as his god-father had gave him CPR the ambulance arrived shortly and they grabbed him and rushed him off to the ambulance where they quickly informed us that they were taken him to St. Christophers hospital for children. I was not even dressed yet so my husband went with the baby in the ambulance as I calmed down my five year old son, and got dressed at the same time and then went to the hospital shortly when I got there my husband told me he was gone Ijust kept saying "no why my baby? i want my baby back? i want my oui,oui?" Shortly after they allowed us to see him and I held him so tight that I did not want to let go of him they took pictures of us holding him after he had parted on his journey to heaven to be a little angel.. It has only been two days now we still have our hardest time to come when his viewing and then the cremation ceremony in two more days but the hardest thing I think is why did we have to be the ones to suffer haven't we suffered enough with 2 miscarriages(one before his birth and one just a few weeks ago), the death of my mom,dad,and grandmom all in my 22 years of my life... Just one more question to ask will they ever give us an explanation why do all these sweet babies die from this and they still have no reason or explanation to tell these parents why their babies go suddenly without no cause of death?.......will they ever put us as parents our minds at ease with an exact cause of death for our precious baby boy Oui,Oui? He didn't even have a long life he was only 3 1/2 months old..............
This Poem is Dedicated to my LITTLE ANGEL
Luis Antonio Rodriguez Jr.
born:8/22/2002 at 4:56 am.
died:12/6/2002 at 8:12 am.
God saw you lying there so sweet and pure,a reason was not to be,so he put his arms around you and whispererd come with me,with tearful eyes we watched you go, we saw you pass away, he broke our hearts to prove he only takes the best......