My Alexis Ilene
Dec 17, 2002
I am 22 years old and been with my partner for almost 5 years now. I had a miscarriage back in feb.99. After that miscarriage they told me I might have problems getting pregnant again since I had cancer when i was 5 and i had extensive radiation to my right side of my reproductive system. Now on September 11,2002 I found out i was pregnant again. I was so happy and excited my wish was answered i said. The first Dr.s appt showed a heartbeat and everything was fine at 8 weeks. Now at the end of October i passed a clot and started bleeding. I called the doctor and they told me to come in the office right away. When I did the heart was still beating and was good and my bleeding has slowed down. They weren't worry about it. Then two weeks later it happened again so they did an ultrasound and found my baby had a problem. The stomach,liver , and part of the bowel were in a bubble on the outside of the abdomen. They sent me over to maternal fetal medicine and they said that could be fixed but my cervix was thinning and they didn't know why. I was put inthe hospital at 15 weeks for bedrest and evaluation. They sent me home 4 days later and that following monday I started to bleed again and i went to the hospital to find that my water had broken at 16 weeks and i had a placental abruption. once again i was admitted cause the babys heartbeat was still strong and beating. Three days later they sent me home and told me entire bedrest for the rest of the pregnancy and if i could make it till 24 weeks the baby had a chance for survival. The next day the docotor called me with th amnio test results and there were normal nothing else showed. That following monday i started to bleed alot and then the contractions started i was now 17 1/2 weeks pregnant wemt to the hosptial and my contractions were so close and i felt her decending quickly.I couldn't have an epidural cause my blood loss and blood pressure were extremely low. I was rushed to the OR and put to sleep. Now before i was completely out they told me to push and there on nov. 19 came my little Alexis Ilene. She only took one breath and passed away weighing in only at 4 1/2 oz. and 7 inches long. I am so lost without her and they told me I had a clotting factor where i am missing my 5th factor in my blood. i just wish they would have found that out earliercause she would still be with me with the help of blood thinners. I got to see her and hold her and they sent me home with pictures a blanket her clothes. she is gone but will never be forgotten and she got a little grave where she is burried. The docotors reassured me that alexis will look down on me for the next time.