A Poem for Savannah Grace
Dec 08, 2002
My name is Kayla,
I really don't know how to begin, I've never talked about this to anyone but family and friends... I am 19yrs old, and have been married for 3 1/2 yrs. In '99 I got pregnant, my husband and I hadn't been married long. We were both young and scared, but we knew we had to mature to take care of this blessing. Well, three months passed and I awoke that morning on Sept. 25. I used the bathroom and there was blood, I called my husband upset and crying. I knew what was happening. I got to the doctor and sat in the waiting room for an hour and a half, bleeding. When I finally got called back, he done a sonogram and said that the baby had stop forming. I had a d&c done that day. After that we realized how bad we wanted a baby and we tried until I became pregnant again in October '01. We were so happy! Everything was better than expected! No problems at all during the entire pregnancy.We had fixed such a beautiful nursery decorated in precious moments. At 38 wks, on a Wednesday, as always, we listened to her heartbeat and took measurements. I was told to come back Monday to be induced. The weekend was so hectic, family reunion, and places to go. I hadn't noticed she had stopped moving. I went to the doctor on the following Monday, July 1st, o2, my dads birthday. They asked the routine question, "Are you feeling the baby move okay?" Then it hit me, I hadn't felt her move since Friday night!
I told the nurse and they immediately took me into a room to listen for the heartbeat. With my husband by my side, we waited... There was nothing but silence. I started to panic and she assured me not to worry. The doctor then came into the room with the ultrasound equipment. He said, "I'm sorry, but unfortunatly, I see no movement or heartbeat." I had never known such pain, to hear that my little girl was dead. A second opinion confirmed it true. The next thing that had to be done was delivering. I was induced that day, labor lasted 23 1/2hrs. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, at 4:50 p.m., 4lbs-4ozs/18 1/2ichs long. The day of my parent's 38th wedding anniversary. We held her (family & friends too) until the man from the funeral home came and took her from my arms. The doctor had said her cord was what caused it... It was tight around her neck, twice. We got beautiful pictures of my husband and I and also the family holding her. The next day I left the hospital, empty handed to make arrangements for her burial. The funeral home donated the little pink casket and the visitation. We buried her after the visitation on July 5th in a beautiful, historic cemetery lot that my husband's grandmother had given to us. A few days later we ordered her a heartshaped headstone, with a little over a thousand dollars that, again, was donated. I miss my little Savannah Grace so much each day. I'll miss her always. We are trying so hard to give her a little sister or brother, and I know that when the time is right for us, God will give us another blessing. I right poems to remember her by and I would like to share one with you, maybe it can help with your pain...
I know where you are
and with that, I'm okay
though you are far
I'll be with you someday
Wait for me my baby
for it won't be very long
Jesus will come and take me
to my Heavenly home
Meet me at the gates
where I hear they're made of pearl
you can show me what awaits
when I leave this old world
So, tonight I'll go to sleep
and dream of that great day
where I know I'll never weep
cause next to you, I'll lay.
Dedicated to my daughter:
Savannah Grace 7/2/02
(Safe in the arms of Jesus)