Be Happy Today
Dec 05, 2002
In 1999, I lost my son at 5 months old. The doctors never new what caused his illness. In 2000, I miscarried at 13 weeks. I knew it would happen because I started bleeding at 7 weeks. I had a D&C and the tissue was tested. The news came back stating the type of miscarriage was rare and should not happen again. In 2001, I miscarried at 5 weeks and also had a D&C to test the tissue. The tests results were undertimed. My 3rd miscarriage was in 2002, again I started bleeding at 5 weeks. I finally had a specialist run tests and found a folic acid deficency. Since then I have been taking 4mg of folic acid a day. Well guess what, I am pregnant again. This time I am at 14 weeks. Everything seems fine physically, but emotionally I have been on a rollercoaster. At what time will I start to feel confident. I may never. Now I prey and hope for the best. I have a wonderful husband and whatever happens we will get through together. I have learned be happy with what I have right now.