Feeling So Alone
Nov 28, 2002
My husband and I have one child from our high school days as lovers. We've always wanted more children and have talked about it. A few years ago we were sure we were ready. I completed my Masters Degreee and has a promising profession. We were ready. I tried to get pregnant for about a year and couldn't. I even went and got a second opinion ( same result), telling me I was okay just keep trying. Finally a year and a half ago I got pregnant. I was thrilled. Two months later I had a miscarriage.
I was devestated. I prayed and moved on. God is in charge and I can't question his decisions. I tried even harder than before and got pregnant again. This time I did evey thing differently. I took it VERY EASY and did every thing right. However seven week later I ended up in the hospital again because I started to bleed. They checked me in emergency room for hour. Finally the news came. The news that I have always joked about. I was having twins (Something I've always wanted, it runs in both our family) They sent me home still bleeding and said we it got worse to come back. It didn't stop and tissues started coming. I knew it had happen AGAIN!
Now what do I do? I want to keep trying ,but I can't go through that a third time. I am so scared and my so is so lonely. I'm trying to find a specialist but haven't so far. I just fell so alone. while it is a day to celebrate and be thankful I just want to be alone.