Miscarriage Is A Lonely Grief
Aug 24, 2002
After 4 years of trying for a baby I found out on 01/07/02 that I was pregnant - we were ecstatic! However, it was not meant to be. I started cramping on 03/07/02 and was sent to the Early Pregnancy Clinic for a scan. It confirmed I was approx. 7 weeks pregnant but HCG blood tests showed that the levels were decreasing, as opposed to increasing, and I miscarried on 08/07/02.A scan confirmed I had had a complete miscarriage so no D&C was necessary. I felt, and still feel, complete devastation and a complete failure. My GP is very supportive and has told me that he will refer me for further tests if I amd not pregnant again within 3 months but, in the meantime we are charting my temperature and using home ovulation tests to try to maximise our chances of conception. I don't think the feeling of grief will ever disappear and there have been times recently when I have sunk into a depression I have never experienced before - my GP has put me on Prozac. The only thing that will pull me out of this is to get pregnant again. I have never used a forum before but there is so little support out there for women who have only had 1 or 2 miscarriages that I felt compelled to submit my story in the hope that other people read it and realise that they are not alone and that their feelings are completely normal.