I Am A Mother
Jan 17, 2003
My husband and I had a car accident last July. We were travelling home at night when another car on the wrong side of the road hit us head on. I was four months pregnant. I had had a scan the week before which showed a lovely active healthy baby. We were taken to hospital and the next day I had a second scan which showed that the baby was dead. It was the worst moment of my life.
The baby was induced three days later. I have read lots of the other stories on this website and my heart goes out to anyone who has been through this. I try to remember that I am a mother, albeit a childless one, and that for the short time I had that little girl, I tried my best for her.
Although the due date is now past, the pain has not. I think it is best to surround yourself with people who are at least trying to understand, and to go easy on yourself. I know that I went back to work too soon and that I expected too much of myself. It is very hard when other people around you are pregnant.
Now my biggest fear is that I will never have the chance to get pregnant again. This is irrational but nevertheless powerful. I am trying to build more positive thoughts. I ask anyone who prays, to pray for me.