My Baby is Gone
Dec 06, 2002
This is my first time at this site. But i love the way people support each other. We'll this is my story. On 10/29/02
I was 15.5 weeks pregant and i went to the doctors for a regular check up and they could not find a heart beat. They did a emergency ultrasound cause i was so far along. my husband and I went to app together. I knew something was wrong because i went to hear the heart beat but heard nothing. And as you all know the tech. cant say a thing to you cause they are not your doctor. So he told me and my husband to step out of the room. He told me that i need to go to my doctor immediatly. I did but my regular doctor had stepped for a break or something like that. So i seen a different doc. He was so rude about it I just wanted to kill him that way he told me. He said in these exact word "THE BABY IS DEAD THERE IS NO HEART BEAT YOU NEED A D&C" I just busted in tears. and told him to get the hell out the room.
So 2 days later i had a D&C