Life Has Fallen Apart
Oct 11, 2002
I have recently had a miscarriage on 29th November 2002. I feel as if my life has fallen apart and will never be the same again.
I started spotting a few days before, called the Doctor and I was told to rest, which I did. Nothing else happened, but then 2 days later, I started bleeding heavily and knew straight away that I was miscarrying. I feel that I have no interest in anything. I just want to lie under my covers in bed!! My Husband was very upset, but he was so supportive. I just feel so sad all the time and no-one understands what I am going through - I just feel alone. Does anyone else feel like this? How do you cope?
Note: You can post responses to this story in the chat board section of the site under "I Had A Miscarriage" and direct your comments to Linda.