My World Stopped
Sep 26, 2002
First of all, my sincere condolences for anyone grieving a loss.
I am truly sorry.
After trying so hard to conceive, I recently got the wonderful news that I was pregnant, which is a first for me. My husband and I have been trying so hard. And it was such a happy event when I became pregnant. I wanted to do everything as good for the baby as I can.
Well sadly, I just received news today that my blood tests were rather bad. It seems that the results mean that the egg is not developing. It was only four weeks into the pregnancy, but I was so happy and at the same time, cautiously optimistic. I wanted to be mentally ready if I received bad news.
Guess you are never ready. After receiving the news, my world stopped. I feel numb and sad. But I am trying to look ahead. Leaving this message is helping me as I type.
Guess time will heal all, and I just hope one day soon I am able to obtain that wonderful gift once again and embrace that wonderful feeling. It felt so good. I almost became a mother!