His Life is a Precious Memory
Sep 26, 2002
I lost my baby boy Liam at 22 weeks on 26/8/02. I went to hospital for my twenty week scan to be told that my cervix had started to dilate. I was taken to the labour ward where I was offered a termination or to let nature take its course. One consultant said at this late stage there would be little chance of success but that they could attempt a cervical stitch. I decided that this was my only option to give my baby the only chance being offered. I had to wait over 24 hours for the procedure by this stage I was 4 cm dilated so it wasn't looking good. I carried my baby for a further 10 days at which stage they took the stitch out as my waters had bulged through the cervix and it was now a danger to my health. I argued but the consultants insisted that it had to be removed. They operated with my husbands consent and 36 hours later I delivered a perfect baby boy Liam Patrick weighing 1lb 1oz. My precoius little boy was born still although I could feel him kicking until a few minutes before he was born. I will always remember how desperate I felt feeling those kicks yet knowing he was going to die as my body for some reason could not hold on to him. I spent several hours holding him telling him how much he was wanted and loved and how sorry I was. I will alway remember those few precious hours I had with him asleep in my arms. I will never understand why my little man was taken all I know is no matter how bad this pain is I am glad he was given to me, his life is a precious memory and I love him dearly. I will carry him in my heart every minute of every day