Symptoms And No Baby
Sep 04, 2002
My husband and i were trying for a baby and i was giving up hope, I was being dramatic but those negative tests are sad.
Then I was so sick morning noon and night craving the oddest stuff i took a test we were so happy.
I went for my Doctor visit in august and the vaginal ultra sound was done it was gorgeous and a strong heart beat. We scheduled a sept 4th appointment for blood work and all.
Today is sept 4th as i write this, they took my blood i picked out a hospital.....and then another intra v-ultra sound the dr. kept proding me with it and unlike the first time when he swiviled the screen around I just new and he showed me the sack which was supposed to be 14 weeks stopped 9 weeks it was just there and puffy.
To make matters worse my sister in law who did not want a baby is 5 months she sucks down coffee and pepsi and smokes, my best friend is 4-5 months and is having an abortion the irony is more than i can stand me being so anal about no soda no second hand smoke 5 a day fruits and veggies etc.
I go Tues for the scrape it is tearing my soul apart knowing I have this tiny baby in me that has gone, yet i have the symptoms still.