A Mother's Love For Her Angel
Sep 01, 2002
It was New Year's weekend going into 2001 and I was rushing to get on a plane to go home from New Orleans to Detroit at 26 weeks pregnant. While on the plane I felt the baby moving more than usual, but I talked to her and let her know what we were doing and that we were going to see her grandpa and her uncles. The rest of the weekend seemed normal.
One day after I got back to New Orleans, I felt contractions, but just thought that they were Braxton-Hicks because they didn't hurt too much. But, as the day progressed, they were becoming more frequent, and more painful. I called my doctor and was told that I could wait until the morning or go to the ER. Luckily I went to the ER.
It was then that they immediately performed an ultrasound and found no heartbeat. I was crushed. I called her father, but just like the rest of the pregnancy, he was no help. I was completely alone. The date was January 3, 2001.
On January 4, labor was officially induced at 8 am. A little more than 18 hours later my daughter was born. I named her Angel, because she really is just that.
I planned everything from the funeral arrangements to travel plans myself. Her father had no part in this evolution. I was so depressed and alone. I had a feeling of emptiness like I had never felt before. I never realized how much love a mother could have for her child until this happened to me.
I know now that I was blessed for the short time that I got to have with my Angel. I will cherish it forever!
Angel's Mommy, Andrea