He Was Supposed To Be Okay
Jun 14, 2002
Hi, I wanted to tell everyone thank you for your replies it means a lot.
Here is my story, I am 30 years old married 12 years, I have three children. Austin Mason Easley 10 years old, Courtney Nichole Easley 6 years, And Mason James Easley born stillborn on April 13th.
After 13 months of trying to concieve we finally did. I found out August 29th that we were expecting.
On my fourth month visit we found out we were having a boy, My son was so excieted that it was a boy.
We imediatlly started setting up the babies room, He was going to share with his brother.
I had an ultrasound done every visit, everything looked great, in one of the ultrasounds done Mason was waving at us.
Around seven months into the preagnancy his weight started slowing down, the doctors weren't concerned because both my other children only weighed 5pounds eight ounces. And very healthy.
At 35 weeks he still was not gaining weight. They put me on bed rest for a week. A week later i went in again they determined something wasn't right, I had reduced fluid and my placenta wasn't showing good flow. They decided to induce that day. We were told he would be fine small and his lungs might be sticky but otherwise ok. The doctor told me to go home take care of things and go to the Hospital that night. Didn't tell us to rush or that it was urgent that we get there.
I went and picked my kids up from school, packed my bags, told my work i was going to have the baby, and headed for the hospital,
We left the doctors office at 12 noon that day after hearing Masons heart beat, we got to the hospital at 3:30 that afternoon.
Now comes the nightmare i am living,
When the nurses hooked me up to the monitor they couldn't find the heartbeat, five nurses later they did and ultrasound, confirming there was no heartbeat.
At 9:54 the next morning Mason James was born. He weighed 4pounds 2 ounces, 18 inches long.
We got to hold him in the hospital, I wish I would have held him longer than I did, than again I know it wouldn't have been long enough.
That's about as much as i can right about right now
Within time i will tell more.
Thanks for your time,