We Praise You, Father
Jan 15, 2003
You were here in the happy time, you saw us filled with the joy only you know. You saw us through the eyes of a parent. You loved us and were happy for us. You granted us time to be parents. You knew what lay ahead for us. You prepared the path of our lives to be ready for what was to be. You gave us love and strength. You gave us the courage and hope to live still…you are there always…I feel you in my heart and in my mind.
I see the miracles that so many miss. The dew on the grass, the bird in the air. The simple faith of a special needs child. You have touched my heart in ways I never knew possible. You have hugged me with the arms of your people. You have worked in our lives. You have given us a testimony and a ministry. We may not of wanted this ministry, but you know best. You are being glorified from this. You gave us strength to do your work.
You placed people in our lives when we needed them. You have answered prayers, but you help us retain our dependence on you in the “waiting”. You are our Father, we are your children. You have never left us, you carried us in your arms when we could not stand on our own. You sent your son to die so that mine would live forever. You gave me the Hope that I will see your glory one day. You will place my child in my arms. You will remain true to your promises.
I saw you in the rainbow you sent for us yesterday….Your promises are true….You are here for us and always will be..