My Son, David Lee
Jan 06, 2003
July 23, 2002-I woke up late. Went into the bathroom and peed on the stick. BOOM, Positive. I am finally pregnant-after three years of trying with no fertility treatment! Called the hubby told him-he was shocked.
August 1, 2002-First prenatal visit-I am further along then thought-2 months!!
September 17, 2002- Start to feel baby move for the first time.
September 19, 2002- First ultrasound- It's A Boy!! A very active one too!! And due date confirmed-February 23, 2003
November 1, 2002-Get a second ultrasound-a high resolution ultrasound-to make sure baby and I are doing fine. I was a high risk pregnancy due to hypertension. Everything was fine-baby was in great shape.
November 2, 2002- Not feeling too good. Running a fever and very tired.
November 3, 2002-Still feeling aweful but worse-I haven't felt baby move all day. Call the ER and they tell me to come down to confirm that baby is alright. ER doesn't find a heartbeat so they send me up to labor and delivery-they do ultrasound-baby lies there lifeless and no heartbeat is found or heard! So they send me down to radiology so a skilled tech can try and find heartbeat-still no luck. Find out that I have a UTI which caused a fever of 101 degrees. My BP sky rockets and they confirm I have lost my baby-they admitt me.
November 4, 2002-My ob/gyn comes to my room-crying-she was as shocked as I was. Told me what they were going to do.
10 am-I was induced for the first time
11am- Given an epiderual to control my BP
2pm-Induced again
6pm-Induced again
10pm-Induced again
10:30pm-Dr breaks my water-having contractions.
11:30pm-Dilated to 2cm and contractions getting stronger.
November 5, 2002- 12:15am they turn epiderual down so that I know when to bare down and push.
12:30am-I get the urge to push and contractions are very strong-only dilated to 2cm still.
12:37am-David Lee Kovacs is born. (Stillborn) Cause of death umbilical cord wrapped around his neck 3 times. At first they thought it was pre-eclampsia but once he got here they knew the answer. He weighed 1 pound 8 ounces and was 12 inches long.
5:30am-I let the nurses take my baby away FOREVER!!!
6:00pm-I was released and got to go home.
November 6, 2002-Funeral director went to my mom's so that we could plan my son's memorial service.
November 7, 2002- Buried my son!!!
November 8, 2002-My 22nd birthday!
And from that moment on the grief set in and I started the process. At the begininng of December I found this site and have been visting here everyday looking for hope and peace!
January 3, 2003-Went in for 6 week postpartum check up and got the green flags to try again-should also be already ovulating-so my hubby and I are working on putting something in these empty arms of mine.
I have many good days and I have TONS of bad days. I try to look at the positive side of things -like I will get to see my son, David again someday and I will get to hold and rock him.
By the way, I named David after my grandpa. When I found out I was pregnant my grandpa cried and then when I showed him the first ultrasound pics and told him it was a boy he smiled and said-oh my little David Lee. So we chose to name him after my grandpa! So David Lee Kovacs is not only special to us but also to my grandpa since him and I are very close!
It is amazing how quickly things can change-David and I were fine and then out of the blue-for no reason he died-and there isn't anything anyone can do about it. I love him and always will. He will forever remain in my heart!