My Angel, Darren
Dec 13, 2002
I lost my son Darren Treon Oguin 9/16/02 to stillborn. I have three daughters and he would have been my only son. The doctors don't know what went wrong and I can't find closure. I have not ever had a vaginal delivery and I feel the doctors should have paid closer attention to him dropping because he suffocated or drown trying to let me know through small contrations I didn't reconize was pre-term contractions. I have lots of anger the doctors even made me wait one hour before the check it out on ultrasound. It's rough but sharing this with other may let me know I'm not the only one. I've prayed and know my little bundle of joy is in Gods hand. I only have faith that in due time I'll never forget him my angel but have the strenght to go on without him.