What Happened?
Oct 18, 2002
This was to be my husband and my first child together. We were
so happy, we love eachother so much and we love children so much
and now we were going to share our love with our child. We talked to her in my tummy, we tickled her and she wiggled as if to play with us. Any time my husband talked to her she would start wiggling. Then two days before she was to join us in this world
she stopped moving. We went to the hospital to reassure ourselves that everything was okay. The nurse tried to hear her heartbeat, we didn't hear it, we started to cry and panic. What could have happened? Surely everything will be okay. The doctor verified
no heartbeat and then a specialist came in for an ultrasound.
We could see our little girl, no heartbeat, nothing moving through the umbilical chord. We had lost the most precious soul in our lives.
I gave birth to our stillborn child, I held her, sang to her, cried with her in my arms, I even fell asleep with her in my arms.
I miss her so much. When we had to bury her I literally wished I was with her. This has been so very painful. Some days I do better than others. Today is a difficult one.