This Was My Baby
Dec 02, 2002
My name is Ashley,
I had just had a child then 4months later I found out I was 2mnths pregnant. They could not find the baby in the ultrasound. I was terrified. They admitted me to the hospital. The next day I was off to surgery. It was an ectopic pregnancy. I was at this point sepparated from my husband and he basically gave the impression that he didn't care. I wasn't ready for another child since I already had a 4mnth old at the time. But I was also not ready to lose a child either.
Another horrible thing about the expeirence was how the hospital staff treated me. First they questioned what kind of husband do I have if he can't come pick me up. They did not know the situation. Also they told me that what happened was not a big deal, that it happened everyday. Maybe they see it everyday but when it happens to you your heartbroken and in grief. They were so insesitive to what I was feeling. And because of my insurence I got kicked out that night with no transportation. Thank god I got a hold of my mother who came to get me.
Thank you for listening.
Ashley Maxwell