There are 36 stories and poems in this section.
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My Jeremy
Jan 24, 2003
Early Child Loss
A mother shares the beautiful memories she has of her precious son. She never knew anyone could touch a heart with such intensity. Jeremy fell from a deck when he was 3, and he died. His organs have helped 6 other children to live, and that brings some peace.
My Sweet Spencer
Jan 16, 2003
Early Child Loss
A mother shares her story of love for her precious son who was born prematurely, and after two months in the NICU was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. After seven years, Spencer was finally not able to breathe. He is missed terribly, and will be remembered forever.
Rachel and Morgan
Dec 30, 2002
Early Child Loss
This mother describes the beauty of her twins, Rachel and Morgan. They were precious in every way. When they were 2 1/2 years old, there was a house fire at the babysitter's. This mother never got to say good-bye to her little girls before they were taken to Heaven.
Baby Mahoganae
Dec 30, 2002
Early Child Loss
A young mother shares her hopes and dreams she had for her life with precious Baby Mahoganae. Her dreams ended, though, during delivery when the cord caused stress and this precious little girl was born still. Through all of this, Mahoganae's mother still has hope.
Where Are My Angels?
Dec 08, 2002
Early Child Loss
A mother calls out for help following the loss of her 13-year-old daughter. She is having great difficulty dealing with the day-to-day situations in life.
I Miss You, Tyler!
Nov 28, 2002
Early Child Loss
This mother tells of the birth of her little ^Tyler^. He was thought to be healthy, but he had many complicated health issues. After a long, difficult struggle, Tyler took on his angel wings, and now this mother doesn't know how she's going to deal with it.
She Touched So Many Lives
Nov 21, 2002
Early Child Loss
A mother remembers the snowy day her precious daughter was born. She had many physical problems, yet was so beautiful. She gave "chin" kisses, and brought smiles to everyone she met. She went to be with the Lord when she was only 4 1/2 years old.
An Untitled Poem for Harrison
Nov 18, 2002
Early Child Loss
A sister shares a poem written in memory of her baby brother, Harrison Matthew. This is the poem that got her through those first days of agonizing grief.
My Baby Brother, Harrison Matthew
Nov 17, 2002
Early Child Loss
Sibling loss is quite painful as you will realize after reading this story of the grief that remains following the loss of a baby brother.
Living in a Haze
Nov 14, 2002
Early Child Loss
Katie was healthy one day, and she was very sick the next. Her mom is living in a haze right now. Everything happened so fast. Katie was diagnosed with cancer, she had surgery, and then she died in the arms of her mother and father. Nothing seems real just yet.
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