There are 36 stories and poems in this section.
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Divine Help
Sep 23, 2002
Early Child Loss
The mother experienced multiple tragedies when the car she was driving hydroplaned and her daughter and neice were killed. She almost lost her own life, too. Through Divine help, God healed her, and she now has a beautiful baby boy against all odds.
My Shining Star
Sep 18, 2002
Early Child Loss
This mother shares the tragic loss of her beautiful daughter, her shining star. Little Kendall wandered into the pool, and now everyone's life is changed forever. Guilt consumes this mother as she attempts to work through this most difficult grief.
The Most Difficult Decision
Sep 16, 2002
Early Child Loss
This mother tells of Jeffrey's first epileptic seizure. The doctors said Jeffrey would be okay. But, after several months of multiple seizures, this little boy went into a coma. The most difficult decision had to be made. Jeffrey was taken off of life support.
No Pain Is Worse
Sep 12, 2002
Early Child Loss
This mother cries every day, asking why her 8 year old precious son had to be taken away. The tears will not dry, and at times she feels she cannot find presence of mind to breathe. She has no choice but to go on, even in the midst of the inconsolable pain.
It Feels Like A Bad Dream
Sep 10, 2002
Early Child Loss
This mother tells the anguished story of her 16 month old Derick's death. Her little boy died from head injuries after being beaten by a man who said he loved him. This mother dreams of her little boy every day, waiting to meet him in heaven.
My World Turned Upside Down
Sep 02, 2002
Early Child Loss
This young mother had her world turned upside down on July 13, 2002. Raelyn, her 20 month old daughter, wandered out of sight for two minutes. She was later found in a pool. Raelyn had gone to be with the Lord. Life here on earth will never be the same.
Even In Tragedy, God's Blessings Abound
Aug 25, 2002
Early Child Loss
This mother's remedy for her journey back to hope from tragedy is simple...choose to rely on faith and our loving Savior to heal. Little Bo was such a blessing to everyone. Following his death, God sent Luke, the little healer.
How Can I Forgive?
May 24, 2002
Early Child Loss
This mother is consumed with guilt over the death of her 3 year old son Devin. His stepfather sits in prison, as this mother asks the question, "How can I forgive the man I loved for taking away my son?" It has been 5 years, and the pain is still agonizing.
Trying To Let Go
May 17, 2002
Early Child Loss
My only two sons are in heaven. Even though it has been a long time, it is still so hard to let go. A car accident took my first son at one month. My second son left this earth at age four, and the pain is still so raw that I find it hard to think about. Only faith keeps me going.
Jacob--My Life, My Teacher, My Angel (continued)
May 02, 2002
Early Child Loss
In the aftermath of Jacob's death, his mom misses him so much that some days it is difficult to go on. But, young Jacob knew he was going to be an Angel, and asked his mom to please take good care of his sister Kylie. Jacob is truly a very special Angel!
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