My Jeremy
Jan 24, 2003
My Jeremy was born July 16th, 1985. He was so beautiful, he had these unforgetable brown almost black eyes that sparkled like 2 stars in the sky, and beautiful jet black hair that would turn any woman green with envy. He was just perfect and the most beautiful little boy in the world. From the moment that looked at him, the love that I felt was something that I could never imagine before. I had no idea that a person can love so deeply and in just a few seconds. He was my world, my life and my everything. My son died August 14th. 1988 (8/8/88)1 month after his 3rd. Birthday. My heart died with him. My Jeremy would of been 18 y/o this year, and 15 years later,I still can't stop thinking about him. I think about his High School graduation, would he be going to college this fall? Would he have a girlfriend or girlfriends? ( LOL ). Ladies, I have dealt with this pain for 15 years and even though you do go back to living your life, the pain is there everyday, you smile on the outside while you are crying on the inside. My Jeremy fell from my deck 3 stories high, he laid in the hospital in a coma for 6 days. I remember that day as if it had happened yesterday.
I donated his organs when he died, and I have to admit, that it does make me smile, knowing that because of my Jeremy 6 other children received a second chance on life. It brings a smile to my face knowing that his heart continues to beat.
I have read most of these stories, and my heart goes out to everyone of you. Losing a child is the most tragic and painful thing that a woman can experience in her life.
I will have all of you in my heart and thoughts.
God bless you and your little angels.