She Touched So Many Lives
Nov 21, 2002
Jocelyn Cierra was born December 29, 1997. It was the first snow of the year. She was born with Cytomeglavirus. She had many physical problems and she had seizures. She is so beautiful. She always was smiling, she gave "chin" kisses. She went to be with Lord on August 10, 2002. She was 4 1/2 years old, and simply fell asleep. We all miss her so much. She has made such an impact on so many lives. People I have never met tell me how much she has meant to them. My husband and I leve in GA, My dad and other extended family live in OK. People out there who have never meant my daughter miss her. They had a motorcycle run to benefit Joce's school, Challenged Child and Friends. Complete strangers, out in OK, help to raise over $1300. Of course they are all sad to find out she isn't with us anymore.