There are 146 stories and poems in this section.
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He Was My Life
Oct 08, 2002
Adult Loss
This mother shares the events that led to the death of her 26-year-old son. He was her life. They shared times together, not just as mother and son, but as mother and friend. Even though she misses him terribly, she knows he is safe as he walks with God.
Life Will Go On
Oct 08, 2002
Adult Loss
Accepting that her son's life on this earth is gone has been a deep, unending sorrow. Even though the pain of loss lingers, this mother knows that her life must go on.
Oct 08, 2002
Adult Loss
All this mother has left of her son are memories. She holds the memories close to her heart, and treasures them like gold.
Oct 07, 2002
Adult Loss
A mother grieves the death of her son, and has many difficult questions. If given the chance again, would he do it over? Would he break her heart again?
I Need Life
Oct 07, 2002
Adult Loss
A mother shares the constant battle she has with grief. She recognizes the need for life, but also feels the reality of grief. In the end, life will win out and bring joy to her soul.
The Music of Death
Oct 06, 2002
Adult Loss
Death leaves a song of anguish that is set in a minor key. This mother can only hear a song of grief, but one day she hopes to hear the melody of life again.
Trying to Understand
Oct 06, 2002
Adult Loss
This mother askes the questions that are unable to be answered. She knows that her son's death did happen, but she'll never understand why. Drugs take more than one person's life; drugs cause an entire family to grieve.
Oct 06, 2002
Adult Loss
This mother makes known her sadness over the loss of her son. In the midst of the sadness, though, is a longing to regain some joy again.
Untitled by SeanC
Oct 01, 2002
Adult Loss
This mother shares a very intimate part of her life. The following poem was written by her son who died of a heroin overdose.
Living With Guilt
Sep 30, 2002
Adult Loss
This young lady must live every day with the guilt of her final words spoken following an argument. Even though she tried to mend her words, she continues to live with the guilt every day of her life.
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