Allowing Grief
Jan 18, 2003
Allowing Grief
I am sorry if I don't grieve correctly.
Please share with me the standards you use to judge.
In the beginning if I held my emotions it wasn't enough.
Yet now you do not wish to be reminded of what I can never forget.
How can one judge someone elses emotions.
Who are they to say what is correct.
Where does one find the expiration date for grieving their child?
Is our pain any less as time goes by?
We are able to get through our good and bad days.
We have had practice now in how to put on a act.
Yes, all the world is a stage and I am a consumate actress.
I am playing the role of my life and I must give it all that I have.
Nobody wants to see my tears now.
No one wants to acknowlege that I still hurt.
Everyone wants life as it used to be.
Can't they see that so do I?
Where are the books that tell us when we can feel and when we cannot?
Is there a set formula that we must follow?
Will there be a test we are expected to pass?
Why are we not allowed to have our own feelings?
Until the end of my days I will grieve my child.
I am sorry if you think I am doing it wrong.
It will be done at my own speed.
He was my child and not yours.
Please allow me my grief!