Mechele Is Still With Us
Jan 10, 2003
Our loss of Mechele, our 27 year old daughter with cerebral palsy, has been the hardest thing that we have ever been through. We also have a 30 year old son with cerebral palsy, and he and his sister had a very special bond, we didn't realize this until her passing on May 26, 2002.
Mechele was born with cerebral palsy and never could sit up. She had long beautiful hair that came down to her waist, she was beautiful, and we always told her she was an Angel living with us here on earth.
She learned to say moma at the age of sixteen, but she only said it when she was in pain, because she heard me tell her that "moma is here", so many times when she was in ICU, because I stayed in ICU with her by her side and never left.
Mechele was always full of smiles and always laughing when she was well. She brought so much joy to our lives. I truly believe that our family was closer due to the fact that we took care of Mechele all her life, and cared for her every need. The last thing we bought her was a bath tub that was used to give her a bath in bed, kinda like a kid's blow up swimming pool. She loved it.
Mechele has been back to this side to let us know that she is doing fine and is still laughing, and to let us know that when you leave this body, only the flesh is dead. Her spirit is very much alive, and she lets us know this in many ways.
Mechele's Mom