The Peace of Christmas
Dec 23, 2002
The Peace of Christmas
Trim the tree,wrap the presents
Christmas packaged in all its' splendor.
A time of joy and eager anticipation
The world is caught up in celebration.
For some, we are caught up in another world,
One that will not let us go but holds us in its' cold iron grip.
We do not feel the joy, the anticipation.
The day has become a burden, just another day we must get through.
How does one celebrate when all you feel is numb?
How do you find joy when your joy is gone?
You will never have another Christmas with your child.
You find it so very hard to find the will to go on.
While others scurry around in preparation,
You find reasons to hide and avoid
Christmas joys elude you,
Feeling is way too painful to contemplate.
There are 24 hours in a day.
Why does this day seem twice as long?
Each hour drags on interminably
And yet we survive the day and make it through the memories.
Maybe Christmas this year will be different.
There will be one less loved one in our gathering.
We will take time to remember what was
And yes, look toward to what is to be.
A new life is in the making.
We must reinvent a life for ourselves.
We will learn how to live again
And yet a gap will remain in our hearts.
Christmas brings a promise if we but see it.
A new hope for new life given in the form of a infant.
We only need to reach out to embrace His love.
He will watch over us and help us through.
The warm soft glow of the Christmas story
Told over and over for so many years.
The story is filled with a beautiful wonder.
We celebrate His birth once again.
May we find peace at Christmas