Memories of Christmas Joy
Dec 20, 2002
Memories of Christmas Joy
Shiny lights on the tree sparkle.
They hold the promise of awesome joy.
The expectations of Christmas Day
No longer bring hope to my weary heart.
There is no anticipation,
I only feel dread.
How will I make it through this day
That once held so much joy and excitement?
The sights and sounds of Christmas
Tear at my empty heart.
Once again my tears flow freely
And I miss you all over again.
Memories of excitement on Christmas morn,
Wrappings torn, ribbons strewn.
Each package a wonder to behold,
The expectant joy shining in your eyes.
To see Christmas through a child's eyes,
To behold the wonder and the joy.
To know that I will never see you again,
All that is left is memories of Christmas joy.