Another Loss
Dec 12, 2002
Another Loss
I never knew that there could be so much pain in caring.
A heart is so easily broken.
I am so very vulnerable.
I can't climb out of the deep abyss.
Release me from this prison.
Tell me everything will be okay.
It is such a cold, dark place.
I need to feel warmth again.
Words have the power to break me.
I never knew they could hurt so much.
My heart is numbed in a pain
That I could never comprehend before.
How do I find the strength I need?
My heart is breaking yet again.
I have suffered so much loss.
Must I lose yet again?
Friends have moved away.
They cannot deal with my emotions.
I would be there for you.
Why can't you be there for me?
So cold, so lonely,
Life is so very tough.
I wait for a call that does not come.
It will never come again.