Hope for a Gentler Tomorrow
Dec 04, 2002
Hope For A Gentler Tomorrow
There is hope for a gentler tomorrow.
Hope for memories softened with time.
There is hope to find a new day dawning
And with it future days of joy.
Somedays hope is all we have.
We hope that we can just make it through.
We hang on to thoughts that tomorrow will be better.
The road we are on is rocky and difficult.
Each day brings a bit of healing,
A gentling of the pain in our hearts.
We ask God to help us through when we are so weary.
God will not allow us to make our journey alone.
God gives us the hope for tomorrow.
He understands our sorrow and our pain.
He understands when we are angry
He gives us the gift of hope.
Somedays it seems that all is hopeless,
That we will never make it through.
We wonder if this is what the future holds for us.
Will we never find hope again?
Hope lies deep within our souls.
It is there though oft seems gone.
We need to reach deep into our hearts
And find God's hope for a gentler tomorrow.
Hope will carry us through.