I Will Live Again
Nov 30, 2002
I will Live Again
I liked who I was, I don't like who I've become.
I was happy with my life, now I am not.
I was healthy mentally and physically, now I am sick all the time.
I used to be able to plan, now I'm too overwhelmed.
I am a shadow of what was then.
I need a light for what is to be.
The light will be a beacon to the future.
I need to see what my life can be.
Life can be filled with joy.
it can also be overflowing with sorrow.
It is in how we envision our future
That will give us the will to go on.
I need to realize that I can still be happy.
Life can and will be good again.
There will always be sorrow
But I will store it in a velvet box called Memories.
I will take out a memory and caress it.
I will be thankful for the time we had.
I will carefully place it back in the box
And save it for another sorrowful day.
The joy of pleasant memories will sustain me.
They will make rough days easier to bear.
I will continue collecting fond memories
And when the box is full will start another.
I will like who I am again.
I am a work in progress.
I will be happy with life once again.
Sad days will make me appreciate the days filled with joy.
A new day dawns brightly on my horizon.
I will live again.