Storm Clouds
Oct 20, 2002
Storm Clouds
Storm clouds threaten to overtake me.
Tears cascade down my face.
Depression looms on the horizon
But I will not let it make me its' prisoner.
I have fought too hard to lose this battle.
I will not allow depression to win!
I look for things to lift my spirits
Keeping busy and good thoughts help.
The day is ever so gloomy
Storm clouds hover before the rain
I ask when will the sun come out?
When will life be normal again?
Life anew begins ever so slow.
It is begun with subtle little things
A day without tears is cause for celebration
It brings me closer to the day where I can smile.
The sun of life will return to me
I will continue to seek its' presence
If I look for it in the smallest things,
Surely the bigger thing will visit and stay.
Storm clouds may threaten
They will not o'ertake me.
I will not be a prisoner of their gloom.
I will live life once again.