Life Changes Instantly
Sep 16, 2002
this is our story. me and my wife melissa had been married for 10 years 10 months when she passed away. we found out we were going to have a baby just before christmas 2000. it was an exciting day for us. we had been trying to have a baby for the past 6 years. we tried fertility doctors for a couple of years no luck. we had given up hope of having a child an even considered adoption. then it came time to do the pregency test agian. i alwayes hated them because they would be negative and melissa would be depressed for weeks. after finding out we were going to have a babyi went to every dr. appointment, ultrasound test with melissa. it was a very happy time . 19 july 2001 melissa gives birth to 9lb. 21" baby boy(joseph anthony dustan banet). we feed him every 2 hours. eveything was going great. melissa got cleaned up the next morning was feeling fine. ate breakfast,sat back to feed joey. about 10:30 am began to have trouble breathing .passed away 30 minutes later right in front of me her last words were "BABY I'M SCARED )then she passed away. they continued to try and revive her . but it was not to be. your life changes instantly . i am grateful that she got to hold and feed her son . may she reset in peace .