I Am Fine
Sep 05, 2002
I Am Fine
How are you doing?
I'm fine.
Yes, I'm really fine.
See the nicely disguised veil
I use to hide my grief
No, you really don't want my answer
I'll try to be what you want me to be
I cover my emotions so as not to boor you
How am I doing?
I'm fine. Yes, I'm fine.
I am getting through one day at a time
You don't really want to know how long a day is
Or how empty I feel inside
You only want to hear
I'm fine. Yes, I am fine.
No, I don't need anything.
What I need you can't give
Yes, I'm okay, yes, I'm alright
I'm fine. Yes, I'm fine.
A mask is put on outside
Inside are tears my heart is crying
No, I'm not alright.
No, I'm not fine.
I'll never be fine again!