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There Is a Way to Retrieve Some of Your Old Posts
Posted By Clara Hinton   |  Apr 24, 2006

A way has been discovered by an SG member to retrieve some of the posts from the old SG chat board. These posts were saved (cached) on the Google server. It is not clear how many posts are available and there is no guarantee that the threads are complete. However, since interest has been expressed in recovering these posts the following is given as a helpful guide to try to find these posts. If someone knows of a better way or discovers something that would be helpful, please let me know. Remember, you may need to experiment to find out what works best.


-Go to the Google search engine at www.google.com

-In the search box enter “silentgrief” as a single word

-Add in any other words that would help to narrow the search. For example, pregnancy would be too broad of a search, but if you had a fairly unique user name, try that. You will need to experiment with adding other words and phrases If you use a phrase, it is usually better to place the phrase in quotations (e.g. “Loss of a Young Child”) if you know the exact phrase.

-When the entries come up, do not enter the one you want in the usual way by clicking on the entry title, which will give a server error. Instead, go to the bottom of the entry where it reads “Supplemental Result”. It is followed by the word “Cached”, click on “Cached” to get to the page.

-More than likely your search will only show a limited number of pages. But, often at the bottom of the 2nd entry (or so) there will be the phrase “more results from www.silentgrief.com”. Clicking on this may greatly expand your search results.

-Sometimes after the last post there will be a statement about results being omitted. You can click on that to expand your results, too.

-the SG links in the posts will not work. So please don’t contact the webmaster.


I would appreciate feedback on how this works and if you have discovered any other ideas for retriving your posts. You can email me at: chinton@silentgrief.com .

We are unable to access the saved original posts at this time due to server and financial constraints. This is the best solution we have at the current time. It is my prayer that this will help!

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