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New Message Boards
Posted By Clara Hinton   |  Feb 27, 2006

The message boards have a new look since we have moved. We are now able to post pictures, as well as have signatures that are personalized. Many of the old message board features have been expanded, and we can conduct things such as polls, and keep current with birthdays.

The main difference we have on Proboards is that we now have ads. If you do not care to see the ads, please visit the section of the site listed "ad free" and you can find out how to keep our message boards free of ads.

Also, be sure to visit the homepage of SilentGrief.com and register for your weekly "Hope for the Day" which is another added feature for ongoing grief support.

Lastly, please use the suggestion section of the message boards to voice your suggestions on how to enhance the website. It is always my prayer that we will continue to keep SilentGrief.com a safe place of love and support for all those walking this difficult journey we call grief.

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Contact Clara Hinton at chinton@silentgrief.com. Site Design by Object Red.