The SilentGrief Newsroom is your eyes and ears for news that
affects your life. I've made a committment to ensure that
you get the news and information that shape our SilentGrief
community, and in turn that shape the way our world grieves.
There are 45 items in the Newsroom archive.
Click on a title to read the complete entry.
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New Article Posted on Holiday Grief
Nov 21, 2011
Posted By Clara Hinton
Are you axious about facing the holidays without your child? If so, please visit the articles section of SilentGrief.com for help.
Silent Grief Retreat - March 18 - 20, 2011
Feb 18, 2011
Posted By Clara Hinton
The 2011 Silent Grief Retreat is taking place on March 18 - 20, at Warm Springs, GA! Make plans to attend this weekend of hope and healing now!
A New Article for Fathers has been posted!
Jun 06, 2010
Posted By Clara Hinton
Please visit the artcles section of http://www.silentgrief.com for the article, "Child Loss Makes some Fathers Feel Like a Failture". Be sure to share this article with fathers who are grieving child loss on Father's Day.
New Article on Fathers has been Posted!
May 20, 2010
Posted By Clara Hinton
With Father's Day approaching, you might know of a father who is in need of some additional support. Please check the articles section of SilentGrief.com for a new article that has been posted.
Are you part of Silent Grief on Facebook?
May 19, 2010
Posted By Clara Hinton
Facebook is the fastest growing social network right now, and many of you are part of this group of friends. Silent Grief has a presence on Facebook, too!
Clara's Blogs
May 17, 2010
Posted By Clara Hinton
Did you know that you can follow Clara Hinton on her blogs?
Silent Grief 2008 - Important Information
Sep 30, 2008
Posted By Clara Hinton
Please print off this list for your guide of what to bring to the Retreat, as well as to have on hand for all other important information, including contact telephone numbers. It's almost time!
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