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Remember Your Child During the Holidays
Dec 09, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: Loss Of A Young Child
Doing something to remember your child during the holidays can make these special days seem less lonely and can aid you in working your way through grief. There is no right or wrong way to remember. Do what feels best for your heart.
Holiday Depression
Nov 25, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: Teen And Adult Loss
Depression from the loss of a child is very common, especially during the holidays. In order to help avoid slipping into a holiday depression, it is important to use coping skills and preparation for getting through the day.
Getting Through the First Thanksgiving
Nov 18, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Family
The first Thanksgiving without your child will be particularly painful. By including your child in the traditions of that holiday in some way, you will feel less empty. By validating your grief, you will take one more important step forward in healing.
Planning a Funeral for Your Stillborn Baby
Nov 11, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: Miscarriage
Planning a funeral or memorial service for your stillborn baby is the beginning of grief work. By acknowledging the baby was real, you have taken that all-important first step forward in this journey we call grief.
Who Am I?
Nov 03, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: Loss Of A Young Child
Following the loss of a young child, all of life feels strangely different. Parents are not sure of their identity anymore, and they ask in fear and frustration, "Who am I?"
Who Takes Care of the Caregiver?
Oct 22, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Family
Caregivers often get worn out and tired, feeling an added burden of stress. It is necessary for the caregiver to receive daily replenishment in order to stay healthy emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually.
October 15 - A Day of Remembrance
Oct 08, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: Miscarriage
October 15 has been designated a day of national remembrance of babies lost to miscarriage, early pregnancy loss, and stillbirth. Let us do all we can to bring about public awareness of a parent's need to grieve early pregnancy losses.
My Child Was Real!
Sep 30, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Mothers
When a child dies, it becomes very important for a mother to be able to validate to others that her child was real. When others help to acknowledge the life of a child, a mother's heart no longer feels so alone in grief.
The First Anniversary
Sep 23, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: Loss Of A Young Child
The most difficult day following the death of a young child is often the first anniversary of the death. With careful planning, this day can be one of healing rather than of dread.
All I Feel Is Anger!
Sep 16, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: Teen And Adult Loss
Anger is a very real part of grief. You can move beyond your anger by creating a healing ritual symbolic of thowing away the anger you feel at your child for leaving you. This is a first important step in your journey of grief and healing.
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