There are 113 articles in this section.
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Miscarriage: When Will I Feel Better?
Aug 15, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Mothers
Mothers experience many different emotions when a miscarriage occurs. The journey from grief to healing is very individual and follows no timetable. Allow plenty of time to adjust to the loss.
Miscarriage: Fathers Hurt, too!
Aug 15, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Fathers
Men grieve very differently from women, and this is often mistaken as not caring about a miscarriage. It is important to include men in the grieving process of child loss because fathers hurt, too.
A Family's Role in Miscarriage
Aug 15, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Family
Miscarriage is a difficult loss to endure, and the couple who has miscarried needs the love and support of family members. As difficult as it may seem, family members need to express their feelings of sorrow to the grieving couple to help bring healing.
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