There are 113 articles in this section.
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The Baby Is Still Kicking
Sep 20, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: Miscarriage
A baby's kicking can be felt for weeks following an abrupt child loss such as miscarriage or stillbirth. By talking to your doctor, you will learn that this is part of the normal grieving process.
Where Do We Begin?
Sep 18, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Family
When a family loses a child, abrupt changes occur immediately. Communication within the family is a key element to keeping the family together.
My Child, My Friend
Sep 17, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: Teen And Adult Loss
Grief is misunderstood when a parent loses an adult child. Losing an adult child is a double blow--a parent loses a child and a best friend. Allow precious memories to wrap your heart in love as you remember your child!
What Can I Say?
Sep 13, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Friends
As friends, we want to say words that will help heal the pain of child loss. Sometimes the most comforting words are not spoken, but are heard through our actions.
How Many Children Do You Have?
Sep 10, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Mothers
A mother sometimes doesn't know how to answer the question, "How many children do you have?" Until society validates miscarriage as the death of a child, this question remains a sensitive one to answer.
After the Flowers and a Card, Then What?
Sep 06, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Friends
Too many times, friends pull away from parents who have lost a young child because they don't know what to say or do. Fear causes an awkward silence.
Nobody Understands Me
Sep 06, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Fathers
Because a man grieves more physical than emotional, he is often misunderstood. Miscarriage leaves a man feeling powerless because he can't "fix it".
The Emotional Roller Coaster
Sep 05, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: Loss Of A Young Child
Your personal journey of child loss often feels like an emotional roller coaster ride. With time and patience, you can reclaim some of the joy you once experienced.
Lost Dreams
Aug 28, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: Miscarriage
Miscarriage can be so cruel. Miscarriage brings an abrupt end to all of the dreams you had about spending a lifetime together with your child. But, there is hope beyond the grief.
When Nothing Feels Right
Aug 28, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: Loss Of A Young Child
Losing a young child takes a heavy toll on a parent's heart. Society expects parents to move on quickly in grief, even when their world has been turned upside down and nothing feels right.
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