There are 23 articles in this section.
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Miscarriage Is Such An Empty Feeling
Apr 28, 2007
By Clara Hinton
Category: Miscarriage
The empty feeling following a miscarriage will eventually leave, but grief cannot be rushed. When you give yourself time to grieve, you give yourself time to heal.
What Happened to My Baby?
Jun 24, 2003
By Clara Hinton
Category: Miscarriage
Hearing a baby's first heartbeat is often the most exciting moment of a pregnancy. When early pregnancy loss occurs and there is no heartbeat to be heard, a mother often goes through a period of deep grief.
What Should I Tell My Child?
Mar 05, 2003
By Clara Hinton
Category: Miscarriage
When telling a young child about a loss due to miscarriage, keep your words honest and easy to understand. Your child will identify with feelings of loss, and will more easily come to you during his own feelings of grief.
Miscarriage: A Misunderstood Grief
Jan 16, 2003
By Clara Hinton
Category: Miscarriage
It is often difficult for others to recognize miscarriage as a true loss because they have not seen evidence of a child. To the mother, however, this loss is real. Only when miscarriage is accepted as a loss can a mother begin to heal.
Planning a Funeral for Your Stillborn Baby
Nov 11, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: Miscarriage
Planning a funeral or memorial service for your stillborn baby is the beginning of grief work. By acknowledging the baby was real, you have taken that all-important first step forward in this journey we call grief.
October 15 - A Day of Remembrance
Oct 08, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: Miscarriage
October 15 has been designated a day of national remembrance of babies lost to miscarriage, early pregnancy loss, and stillbirth. Let us do all we can to bring about public awareness of a parent's need to grieve early pregnancy losses.
Fear Following Miscarriage
Sep 10, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: Miscarriage
A mother often suffers a tremendous amount of fear following a miscarriage. When she becomes pregnant again, the fear can be paralyzing. By focusing on the positive facts, a mother will be able to move forward in her grief from loss.
What Is A D&C?
Jun 17, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: Miscarriage
Many times a surgical procedure called a D&C is performed to remove the remaining tissue when a pregnancy ends in miscarriage. By understanding the procedure, fear is removed, and emotional healing can begin in a positive way.
Mother's Day With Empty Arms
Apr 25, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: Miscarriage
Even when there is no baby to be held in her arms, a mother needs reassurance that she is still a mother. By planning ahead for Mother's Day, a mother who has experienced early child loss can validate her baby as she moves forward in her grief healing.
Mother's Day--Am I A Mother?
Feb 23, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: Miscarriage
What is a woman to do on Mother's Day when she has experienced early child loss and does not have a baby to hold? By validating the fact that she is a mother, she is moving one step forward in her journey of grief.
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