There are 17 articles in this section.
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Mother's Day - A Time to Validate Your Baby
Apr 22, 2008
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Mothers
If you are at a place in your grief journey where you are ready to take a bold step forward in your healing, talk to your church leaders about including you and your baby as part of baby dedication on Mother's Day.
When Mother's Day Feels Empty
Apr 23, 2007
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Mothers
Mother's Day can be the most painful day a mother will experience when grieving the death of her child. Some of the emptiness can be avoided by preparing in advance for this day.
Getting Through Mother's Day
May 07, 2006
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Mothers
The fear of facing Mother's Day following the loss of a child can cause great anxiety and pain. By planning ahead, a mother can face the day knowing she will make it through.
An Unfinished Mother
Mar 14, 2004
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Mothers
When child loss occurs, a mother goes through a difficult time of questioning and feelings of guilt and failure. Nothing feels complete, and a mother is often left feeling like she is an unfinished mother.
Why Am I So Tired?
May 20, 2003
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Mothers
Following the loss of a child, a mother goes through a time of feeling completely exhausted. By understanding how grief depletes physical energy, a mother can take steps to replenish some of the tiredness that she is feeling.
How to Handle Mother's Day
Apr 27, 2003
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Mothers
Special days of any kind are difficult for a mother who has lost a child. The most difficult day of all is often Mother's Day. By planning ahead, a support system can be put in place that will help a mother get through the day.
My Child Was Real!
Sep 30, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Mothers
When a child dies, it becomes very important for a mother to be able to validate to others that her child was real. When others help to acknowledge the life of a child, a mother's heart no longer feels so alone in grief.
My Husband Won't Listen
Mar 30, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Mothers
Many husbands find it very difficult to listen to the story of child loss over and over again. Wives often mistake this as no longer caring. By granting a husband permission to grieve in his own way, communication remains open and healing can begin.
The Aftermath of Abortion
Mar 10, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Mothers
Abortion is a very sensitive issue, and one that can lead to a very complicated grief. Understanding the fact that grief from abortion is real is that all-important first step in beginning the journey of grief.
What Is A Stillbirth?
Mar 09, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Mothers
A stillbirth is one of the most difficult forms of child loss to endure. It is important to know that you do have choices to help in the grief process. By taking pictures, holding the baby, and naming the baby, healing can begin.
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