There are 9 articles in this section.
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Helping a Friend Who Has Miscarried
Sep 01, 2003
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Friends
Friends can be a tremendous support when a miscarriage has occurred. Knowing what helps is crucial in helping a friend begin the healing journey through loss.
Call If You Need Anything
Sep 03, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Friends
Well-meaning friends often say, "Call if you need anything" following the death of a child. A parent in grief doesn't have the strength to call for help. Instead, parents need a friend who is there with listening ears and hands ready to help.
Nothing In Common
May 19, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Friends
Child loss can place a very uncomfortable strain on friendships. It is so important for friendships to remain intact. By listening and continuing to care, friends play a big part in the healing process of the grief from child loss.
There Is Healing In Speaking A Name
Jan 18, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Friends
Often, parents are deeply hurt when friends will not use their deceased child's name in conversation. By saying the child's name, you validate the child's life, and greatly help the parents in their healing.
Rebuilding A Friendship
Jan 13, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Friends
It is very common for friendships to drift apart following child loss. Help rebuild the lines of communication by being honest and saying, "I care and I simply didn't know how to show it. Forgive me."
Grief Isn't Contagious
Nov 04, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Friends
Even though you might feel uncomfortable at first, don't avoid calling your friends who have suffered child loss. Your friends need you now more than ever before. Remember--grief is not contagious!
Nobody Remembered!
Oct 03, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Friends
Parents often think that nobody has remembered the death of their child. The simple act of being a friend who remembers the loss generates hope and healing to grieving hearts.
What Can I Say?
Sep 13, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Friends
As friends, we want to say words that will help heal the pain of child loss. Sometimes the most comforting words are not spoken, but are heard through our actions.
After the Flowers and a Card, Then What?
Sep 06, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Friends
Too many times, friends pull away from parents who have lost a young child because they don't know what to say or do. Fear causes an awkward silence.