There are 14 articles in this section.
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Child Loss often Makes a Father Feel Like a Failure
Jun 06, 2010
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Fathers
When a child dies, a father cannot fix it. He will often go through the emotional torment and guilt of feeling like a failure, and he will no longer identify himself as being a father.
When Fatherhood is Snatched Away
May 20, 2010
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Fathers
A father often feels like a total failure when fatherhood is snatched away by the death of his child. But, the truth is that fatherhood is a role that can never be taken away -- not even by death!
Feeling Alone on Father's Day
May 24, 2007
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Fathers
When a child dies, a father's world is turned upside down. By planning ahead for the difficult emotions of Father's Day, a father can cope much better with feelings of guilt and failure.
Helping a Father Through Father's Day
Jun 08, 2003
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Fathers
When the loss of a child has occurred, Father's Day becomes a particulartly difficult day. By validating the fact that a father is still a father even though his child is not living, you can help a father to move forward in this journey we call grief.
Helping a Man Understand Miscarriage
Jan 07, 2003
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Fathers
A husband can be a tremendous support to his wife following a miscarriage when he understands the emotional and physical changes that occur when a woman experiences an early pregnancy loss.
Where Does A Father Find Support?
Mar 18, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Fathers
Fathers grieve the loss of a child in very different ways from mothers. A father needs support through his grief, and he needs to be given permission to grieve in his own way before healing can begin.
Am I To Blame?
Mar 11, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Fathers
Often, a father is plagued by the question, "Am I to blame?" when a miscarriage occurs. A father needs reassurance that he is not the cause of the loss. As a father recognizes the loss as real, he can begin his journey of grief.
What Can I Say To My Wife?
Feb 11, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Fathers
Never say "You can always have more!" following a miscarriage or other early child loss. Instead say "I am hurting with you." Caring words and time spent together will draw you closer together in your marriage.
What's Wrong With Me?
Jan 22, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Fathers
Fathers are often the forgotten grievers in a miscarriage. Men can be touched by depression from child loss just like women. Learn to recognize the symptoms of depression in order to get early help.
Let's Fix This Problem!
Nov 09, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Fathers
Men have a strong desire to "fix it"--even with grief. By honoring a man's way to grieve the loss of a child, a couple can draw strength from each other as they move forward in their journey of healing.
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