There are 24 articles in this section.
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Facing the Holidays Without Your Child
Nov 21, 2011
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Family
Find some way to include your child in the holidays. It will help your grieving to know that you have kept your child's memory alive.
Father's Day: Help for a Grieving Father
May 30, 2008
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Family
Fathers are strong, brave, and they are protectors. Fathers also are grievers when child loss occurs. By your validation of his fatherhood, you can help bring encouragement and healing to a father's heart.
Why Does My Husband Not Hurt Like I Do?
Mar 11, 2008
By Jimmy Hinton
Category: For Family
Please read about grief from a male's point-of-view. These words will help you understand many of the differences between the way men and women grieve following the loss of a child.
Anticipatory Grief: Knowing My Child Is Going to Die
Nov 04, 2007
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Family
When a parent is given the news that a child is terminally ill, the grief is a double grief. It is necessary to build a strong support system to help in this daily walk of unthinkable pain.
Letting Go of Guilt
Feb 08, 2004
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Family
Making the conscious decision to let go of guilt is often the most difficult first step in walking through the journey of grief following the death of a child. Only when guilt is released can joy begin to return to a parent's wounded heart.
When Grief Returns
Sep 22, 2003
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Family
Parents who lose a child do not stop grieving. The pain varies in intensity, but never totally goes away. When grief returns, be sure to allow the time you need to once again work through your feelings of loss.
It's Worse at Night
Sep 07, 2003
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Family
Grief from child loss causes a pain like none other. That pain often intensifies with the loneliness of the night. Remind yourself often that relief will come in the morning.
Honoring Mothers in Grief on Mother's Day
May 04, 2003
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Family
Mother's Day is a most difficult day for any mother without her child to face. Help lighten the load of grief by finding your way of communicating to a mother in grief that she deserves honor and special recognition on Mother's Day.
Surviving Anniversaries
Feb 04, 2003
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Family
Anniversary days following the death of a child are often faced with dread and fear. By preparing for anniversary days you can survive the day, and also mange to have a sense of control in your grief as you create healing memories.
Little Things Have Great Meaning
Dec 30, 2002
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Family
There is no such thing as something being insignificant to a parent when a child dies. It is so important to a parent's healing for others to allow parents to grieve as individuals, at his or her own pace, and with a sense of dignity.
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